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Firsthand Supply Firsthand Supply

Sustainable Practices

More than 300 million tons of plastic are produced each year. And it's no secret the cosmetic industry relies heavily on plastics for its packaging. Plastic packaging was 42% of all non-fiber plastic produced in 2015, and it also made up 52% of plastics thrown away.

Rather than contribute to the issue by introducing more virgin plastic we thought, "What if we can do something with what's already here?" 

And we did!

Sustainable Practices

More than 300 million tons of plastic are produced each year. And it's no secret the cosmetic industry relies heavily on plastics for its packaging. Plastic packaging was 42% of all non-fiber plastic produced in 2015, and it also made up 52% of plastics thrown away.

Rather than contribute to the issue by introducing more virgin plastic we thought, "What if we can do something with what's already here?" 

And we did!

1 Firsthand Jar = 1 Recycled Milk Jug

We're not changing the world (yet) but we were able to make our line completely out of recycled plastics. And we think that's pretty awesome.

Since launching- we've been able to recycle the plastic from over 300,000 plastic milk jugs. We're still calculating how much milk was consumed to make that possible!

Read how, below.


This is, unfortunately, how most plastic finishes its life. Our landfills are reaching capacity, our oceans are being contaminated; what was meant to assist us in our every day lives has become a problem we can no longer ignore.

When we set out to rebrand Firsthand we thought, "If we're truly going to be a company that puts PEOPLE FIRST we need EVERY part of what we do to reflect that."

Not surprisingly, to value people often times means considering their communities and environment- thus this planet. So we looked into how we could make our packaging using a material that wouldn't contribute to the plastics and resource crisis we are having.

The answer wasn't in what we could create, but what has already been created.    

Real Care Products, Real Good.

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